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The Controversial "Zion Curtain" Law In Utah

The Zion Curtains of Utah Amusing
The Zion Curtains of Utah Amusing from www.amusingplanet.com
Zion Curtain Law Utah

The "Zion Curtain" is a term that refers to a partition that separates the preparation of alcoholic drinks from the view of customers in restaurants in Utah. This law was put in place in 2009, and it has been a topic of controversy since then. Supporters of the law argue that it helps to reduce the consumption of alcohol, especially among children, while opponents argue that it is unnecessary and harms the restaurant industry.

The History of the Zion Curtain Law

Zion Curtain Law history

The Zion Curtain law was introduced in 2009 as part of a package of liquor laws in Utah. The law requires restaurants to separate the preparation of alcoholic drinks from the view of customers. This means that bartenders have to mix drinks behind a barrier, which can be a wall or a partition.

The law was introduced as a compromise between lawmakers, who wanted to reduce the consumption of alcohol, and the restaurant industry, which opposed any restrictions on the sale of liquor. The law was supported by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has a strong influence in Utah.

The Pros and Cons of the Zion Curtain Law


Zion Curtain Law pros
  • The law helps to reduce the consumption of alcohol, especially among children.
  • The law is supported by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has a strong influence in Utah.
  • The law allows restaurants to continue selling liquor, which is an important source of revenue for the industry.


Zion Curtain Law cons
  • The law is unnecessary and does not make a significant impact on reducing alcohol consumption.
  • The law harms the restaurant industry by creating additional costs and reducing the visibility of bartenders.
  • The law is seen as a violation of the freedom of speech and expression.

People Also Ask About Zion Curtain

What is the purpose of the Zion Curtain law?

The purpose of the Zion Curtain law is to reduce the consumption of alcohol, especially among children. The law requires restaurants to separate the preparation of alcoholic drinks from the view of customers.

Does the Zion Curtain law apply to all restaurants in Utah?

The Zion Curtain law applies to all restaurants in Utah that serve alcohol. However, some restaurants are exempt from the law if they meet certain requirements, such as having a separate bar area.

Can restaurants in Utah still sell alcohol despite the Zion Curtain law?

Yes, restaurants in Utah can still sell alcohol despite the Zion Curtain law. The law only requires restaurants to separate the preparation of alcoholic drinks from the view of customers.

Is the Zion Curtain law still in effect?

Yes, the Zion Curtain law is still in effect in Utah. However, there have been efforts to repeal the law in recent years.

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The Zion Curtain law in Utah has been a topic of controversy since its introduction in 2009. Supporters argue that it helps to reduce the consumption of alcohol, especially among children, while opponents argue that it is unnecessary and harms the restaurant industry. The law requires restaurants to separate the preparation of alcoholic drinks from the view of customers, and it applies to all restaurants in Utah that serve alcohol. Despite the controversy, the law is still in effect in Utah, but there have been efforts to repeal it in recent years.

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