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How Much To Charge To Remove Popcorn Ceiling?

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Cost, Professional Services & DIY Guide
Popcorn Ceiling Removal Cost, Professional Services & DIY Guide from earlyexperts.net
Popcorn Ceiling Removal

Popcorn ceilings were a popular design trend in the 1980s and 90s, but now they have become outdated and can even be a health hazard due to asbestos. If you have a popcorn ceiling in your home, you might be wondering how much it will cost to remove it. The answer is not straightforward as it depends on various factors. In this article, we will go through the factors that affect the cost and give you an idea of how much to charge to remove popcorn ceiling.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Popcorn Ceiling Removal

Factors Affecting Popcorn Ceiling Removal

Size of the Room

The size of the room is the most significant factor that affects the cost of popcorn ceiling removal. Larger rooms will require more time and labor, which will increase the cost. On average, popcorn ceiling removal costs around $1 to $2 per square foot. Therefore, a 10x10 room would cost between $100 to $200 for popcorn ceiling removal.

Difficulty Level

The complexity of the popcorn ceiling removal can also impact the total cost. For example, if the popcorn ceiling has been painted, it will require more effort to remove it. If the ceiling is high or has intricate designs, it will be difficult to access and remove, which will increase the cost of popcorn ceiling removal.

Presence of Asbestos

If your popcorn ceiling was installed before 1979, there is a chance that it contains asbestos. Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause lung cancer and is expensive to remove. If you suspect that your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos, you should have it tested before removal. Asbestos popcorn ceiling removal can cost between $3 to $7 per square foot.

Preparation Work

Before popcorn ceiling removal, you will need to prepare the room. This may include removing furniture, covering the floors and walls, and disconnecting the electrical fixtures. The preparation work can increase the cost of popcorn ceiling removal.

How to Calculate the Cost of Popcorn Ceiling Removal?

To calculate the cost of popcorn ceiling removal, you should consider the following:

  • Size of the room
  • Difficulty level
  • Presence of asbestos
  • Preparation work

Once you have estimated the cost, you should get quotes from different contractors to compare prices.

People Also Ask About How Much to Charge to Remove Popcorn Ceiling

1. Can I remove popcorn ceiling myself?

Yes, you can remove popcorn ceiling yourself, but it is not recommended. Popcorn ceiling removal can be dangerous, especially if the ceiling contains asbestos. You should hire a professional contractor to ensure safe and efficient removal.

2. How long does it take to remove popcorn ceiling?

The time it takes to remove popcorn ceiling depends on the size and complexity of the room. On average, it takes around one to two days to remove popcorn ceiling from a standard-sized room.

3. Will popcorn ceiling removal damage my walls?

No, popcorn ceiling removal should not damage your walls if done correctly. However, there may be some minor repairs needed after removal, such as filling in any holes or cracks.


Popcorn ceiling removal can be a messy and time-consuming process, but it is worth it to update your home's aesthetics and safety. The cost of popcorn ceiling removal depends on several factors, such as the size of the room, difficulty level, presence of asbestos, and preparation work. To get an accurate estimate, you should contact a professional contractor. Remember, safety should always come first, so do not attempt to remove popcorn ceiling on your own.

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